Programme booklet (PDF)


Lempi­kuoro, a newcomer in the Finnish choral scene, is fasci­nated by sound fabrics that weave together in curious ways. We invite liste­ners near and far to tune in with us for a unique stream-concert expe­rience, Uusi Sointu (Finnish for ‘a new tone’). Our debut concert consists of works from compo­sers impor­tant to the choir, e.g. Messiaen, Britten, Rauta­vaara and newer acquain­tances such as Shaw, Wennä­koski and Komu­lainen. Lempic­hoir’s conductor and artistic director is Julia Lainema.

The stream-concert is not only about corona safety, but also about the oppor­tu­nity to extend the joy of choral music further and to more liste­ners. Though an online expe­rience does not cover all the elements of a live concert, it allows for new moods, pers­pec­tives and soundscapes. The programme serves delicious colours, fasci­na­ting harmo­nies and also current themes. The pieces move towards joy and freedom, from which a new begin­ning emerges, a new chord, 𝑎 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒.


The concert was premiered online on Thursday December 10th, 2020 and is avai­lable until January 6th, 2021. The concert can be viewed above or behind the link:


With the concert we aim to capture what is most precious and beloved in choral music: its moving power and presence. We want to ensure a fami­liarly inti­mate concert expe­rience while making the most of new online oppor­tu­ni­ties:

The concert is a profes­sio­nally edited audio­vi­sual expe­rience to enjoy solely between you and the choir. Light some candles, pour your­self a glass of your favou­rite drink and let the choral soundwaves carry you.

Audio: We recom­mend you listen to the concert with the best possible sound system that enables surround sound, e.g. home theatre stereos. If you listen to the concert alone you could place a blue­tooth speaker behind your neck so that it slightly touches the back of your head when leaning back. This gives space to the music.

Video: The concert is a delicious visual expe­rience, which is best enjoyed on a big computer or projector screen. Please use full-screen and make sure you have HD 1080px selected as your screen quality settings on YouTube.

Programme: The programme booklet is avai­lable to read and down­load for free on our website here. The programme booklet is mobile-opti­mised horizon­tally, but can also be printed out.


The concert and the accom­pa­nying programme leaflet are both avai­lable free of charge. You are of course welcome to make a volun­tary dona­tion of your liking to support this aspi­ring choir. All support is greatly appreciated!

For Finnish payments:

Lempi­kuo­ro’s busi­ness number in Mobi­lePay is 32773. You input it simi­larly to any other telep­hone number as the receiver.

Lempi­kuoro ry
IBAN FI74 4730 0010 5396 32

For inter­na­tional payments:

In favour of: Lempi­kuoro ry
IBAN: FI74 4730 0010 5396 32
POP-pank­ki­Bonum Bank Ltd, Hevo­sen­kenka 3, 02600 Espoo, Finland

❥ Please send a message to the choir on FB or should you prefer to make a dona­tion over any other type of inter­na­tional payment system, e.g. Revolut, Trans­ferwise or Swish. We will fix it!

A warm welcome to join this special concert with us! ✨