Thursday 7th of September, 2023 at 7 pm
Ritarihuone // The House of Nobility
Performed by Lempikuoro
Conducted by Julia Lainema
Featuring Nome Quartet:
Elina Päkkilä, violin
Anna Husgafvel, violin (guest)
Elina Heikkinen, viola
Petja Kainulainen, cello (guest)
Taru Tiusanen, double bass
Jukka Linkola (1955-)
Punapaula, 2. part from the series Mieliteko (1999)
text: trad
solos: Kaisu Havukumpu, Salla Laisi, Tuike Lehko, Otto Veltheim
Juhani Komulainen (1953-)
Fantaisies Décoratives
text: Oscar Wilde
Le Panneau (1996)
Les Ballons (1997)
Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)
Luci serene e chiare (1603)
text: Ridolfo Arlotti
Eric Whitacre (1970-)
Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine (2001)
text: Charles Anthony Silvestri
solos: Aino Heiskanen, Hanna Juntunen, Stefano De Luca
Caroline Shaw (1982-)
To the Hands (2016)
text: Caroline Shaw, The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre & The Bible
I. Prelude
II. in medio / in the midst
III. Her beacon-hand beckons
IV. ever ever ever
V. Litany for the Displaced
solos: Anni Jaalas, Ella Kähärä, Hanna Juntunen, Lauri Marjamäki, Xiaoyu Chen, Stefano De Luca, Lauri Lehmusoja, Devina Boughton, Elissa Shaw, Pilvi Kekkonen
VI. i will hold you
solos: Inka Laisi, Pilvi Kekkonen, Ella Kähärä, Jukka Parkas, Aleksi Tiira
Finnish premiere, 7.9.2023
Lempikuoro, Julia Lainema & Nome Quartet

The Dialogue concert programme reflects the conversations between different eras, composers and social issues. Opening the concert, Jukka Linkola’s exhilarating reinterpretation of the folk tune Punapaula is a small curtsy towards tradition. Combining modern and quaint, the result is a joyful and fresh piece of music brought to the present day. Oscar Wilde’s colourful poetic phrases are transformed into glorious harmonies in Juhani Komulainen’s Fantaisies Décoratives. The seamless connection between the music and the poem is powerful: the choir’s sound changes with the text from flickering to dark, from delicate to powerful.
Luci serene e chiare is from Claudio Monteverdi’s fourth madrigal book, dating to 1603. When Eric Whitacre was looking for inspiration for his composition Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine, he listened a lot to the songs from Monteverdi’s fourth madrigal book. The connection between the composers was found without any concrete dialogue – it just happened to be four hundred years apart.
The second half of the concert is dedicated to the six-movement composition To the Hands by the American composer Caroline Shaw. For this work, Lempikuoro invites Nome Quartet, reinforced by a double bass player, to take to the stage. Lempikuoro and Nome’s performance is the Finnish premiere of the piece.
Caroline Shaw composed To the Hands as part of the Seven Responses project, in which seven contemporary composers were commissioned to write a duet for Dietrich Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu Nostri cantata. To the Hands was composed to accompany the cantata’s Ad manus section. The work engages in a dialogue not only between contemporary music and 17th-century music, but also, through its content, with social issues. The central perspective is the suffering of people seeking asylum and our role and responsibility in global and local crises.
To the Hands begins and ends around Buxtehude’s musical language. The meditative soundscape of the first movement carries into the second movement, which is based on a quotation from Buxtehude’s cantata. The text “what are these wounds in your hands” (manuum tuarum) turns at the end of the second movement to address us all about our social responsibility: “what are these wounds in our hands” (manuum nostrum). The third part calls for safety and freedom. In the fourth part, the focus shifts to a closer look: we are confronted with a vision of a grandmother in waiting – who is she, who is she waiting for, what has she left behind? The figures listed in part five are people who have been displaced within the borders of their own country. The promise of comfort and unity in the sixth part is found in us and in something greater than us, whether it be the words of Jesus, a parent, or an entire nation.
Julia Lainema
Artistic Director of Lempikuoro
Julia Lainema graduated with a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from the Sibelius Academy in the summer of 2022, having previously completed a Master of Music degree in Music Education. In addition to Lempikuoro, Julia is the artistic director of Ahjo Ensemble, Kaari Ensemble and, from spring 2023, also the Näsi Chamber Choir. She arranges and composes choral music and has organised various choral music events. Julia is a member of the Committee for Equal Opportunities of the Finnish Choral Directors Association and writes a blog on choral music called “Women composers in choral music”.

Lempikuoro is a Helsinki-based mixed choir founded by experienced singers in autumn 2019. In Lempi, high-class singing meets the joy of making music and exploring new performance methods together. The choir’s repertoire is based on a wide range of classical choral music from the Renaissance to the present day. In June 2023, the choir was awarded two gold medals at the Tampere Choral Festival. In the summer of 2022, the choir performed in the highly acclaimed Sun & Sea opera production, which was part of Kiasma’s ARS22 exhibition and the Helsinki Festival. The choir has also been among the first choirs to hold its own livestream concert during the strict corona restrictions in 2020, performed with pop musician Janne Masalin in 2021 and premiered five new choral works at the Sensation concert in autumn 2022
Nome Quartet

The Nome Quartet is an ensemble of young professionals who have been gaining a firmer foothold in the Finnish quartet scene in recent years. Founded at the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival in 2013, the Nome Quartet has been heard at the Kino Soi! concert series in Espoo Tapiola and at the Kumpula Chamber Concerts in Helsinki. In the Dialogue concert, the Nome Quartet will be joined by double bassist Taru Tiusanen. The cellist is substituted by Petja Kainulainen and the second violinist by Anna Husgafvel.
Elina Päkkilä, violin
Anna Husgafvel, violin (guest)
Elina Heikkinen, viola
Petja Kainulainen, cello (guest)
Taru Tiusanen, double bass
Linkola: Punapaula (Red Ribbon)
text: trad
A lass puts a red ribbon on and dancing she goes
She ties it on the arm of her loved one
Why do you tie it so tight, O my love
Or do you think I’ll run away
Komulainen: Le Panneau – The Panel
text: Oscar Wilde
Under the rose-tree’s dancing shade
There stands a little ivory girl,
Pulling the leaves of pink and pearl
With pale green nails of polished jade.
The red leaves fall upon the mould,
The white leaves flutter, one by one,
Down to a blue bowl where the sun,
Like a great dragon, writhes in gold.
The white leaves float upon the air,
The red leaves flutter idly down,
Some fall upon her yellow gown,
And some upon her raven hair.
She takes an amber lute and sings,
And as she sings a silver crane
Begins his scarlet neck to strain,
And flap his burnished metal wings.
She takes a lute of amber bright,
And from the thicket where he lies
Her lover, with his almond eyes,
Watches her movements in delight.
And now she gives a cry of fear,
And tiny tears begin to start:
A thorn has wounded with its dart
The pink-veined sea-shell of her ear.
And now she laughs a merry note:
There has fallen a petal of the rose
Just where the yellow satin shows
The blue-veined flower of her throat.
With pale green nails of polished jade,
Pulling the leaves of pink and pearl,
There stands a little ivory girl
Under the rose-tree’s dancing shade.
Komulainen: Les Ballons – The Balloons
text: Oscar Wilde
Against these turbid turquoise skies
The light and luminous balloons
Dip and drift like satin moons,
Drift like silken butterflies;
Reel with every windy gust,
Rise and reel like dancing girls,
Float like strange transparent pearls,
Fall and float like silver dust.
Now to the low leaves they cling,
Each with coy fantastic pose,
Each a petal of a rose
Straining at a gossamer string.
Then to the tall trees they climb,
Like thin globes of amethyst,
Wandering opals keeping tryst
With the rubies of the lime.
Monteverdi: Luci serene e chiare
text: Ridolfo Arlotti
Eyes serene and clear
you inflame me, but the heart
finds pleasure, not sorrow, in the fire.
Words sweet and dear,
you wound me, but my breast
finds pleasure, not sorrow, in the wound.
O miracle of love!
The soul that is all fire and blood
destroys itself, grieves not, dies without languishing.
(From a programme published on the Internet by Sonoma State University Chamber Singers)
Whitacre: Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine
text: Charles Anthony Silvestri
Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine…
Tormented by visions of flight and falling,
More wondrous and terrible each than the last,
Master Leonardo imagines an engine
To carry a man up into the sun…
And as he’s dreaming the heavens call him,
softly whispering their siren-song:
“Leonardo. Leonardo, vieni á volare”. (“Leonardo. Leonardo, come fly”.)
L’uomo colle sua congiegniate e grandi ale,
facciendo forza contro alla resistente aria.
(A man with wings large enough and duly connected
might learn to overcome the resistance of the air.)
Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine…
As the candles burn low he paces and writes,
Releasing purchased pigeons one by one
Into the golden Tuscan sunrise…
And as he dreams, again the calling,
The very air itself gives voice:
“Leonardo. Leonardo, vieni á volare”. (“Leonardo. Leonardo, come fly”.)
Vicina all’elemento del fuoco…
(Close to the sphere of elemental fire…)
Scratching quill on crumpled paper,
Rete, canna, filo, carta.
(Net, cane, thread, paper.)
Images of wing and frame and fabric fastened tightly.
…sulla suprema sottile aria.
(…in the highest and rarest atmosphere.)
Master Leonardo Da Vinci Dreams of his Flying Machine…
As the midnight watchtower tolls,
Over rooftop, street and dome,
The triumph of a human being ascending
In the dreaming of a mortal man.
Leonardo steels himself,
takes one last breath,
and leaps…
“Leonardo, Vieni á Volare! Leonardo, Sognare!” (“Leonardo, come fly! Leonardo, Dream!”)
Shaw: To the Hands
I. Prelude
II. in medio / in the midst
quid sunt plagae istae
quid sunt plagae istae in medio manuum tuarum
in medio
quid sunt plagae istae
quid sunt plagae istae in medio manuum nostrarum
what are those wounds
what are those wounds in the midst of your hands
in the midst
what are those wounds
what are those wounds in the midst of our hands
III. Her beacon-hand beckons
Her beacon-hand beckons:
give to me those yearning to breathe free
tempest-tossed they cannot see
what lies beyond the olive tree
whose branch was lost amid the pleas
for mercy, mercy
give to me
your tired fighters fleeing flying
from the
from the
let them
i will be your refuge
i will be your refuge
i will be
i will be
we will be
we will
IV. ever ever ever
ever ever ever
in the window sills or
the beveled edges
of the aging wooden frames that hold
old photographs
hands folded
gently in her lap
ever ever
in the crevices
the never-ending efforts of
the grandmother’s tendons tending
to her bread and empty chairs
left for Elijahs
where are they now
in caverna
in caverna
V. Litany of the Displaced
The choir speaks global figures of internal displacement, sourced from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (http://www.internal-displacement.org/global-fgures — accessed 01/03/2016). The numbers spoken are the numbers of internally displaced persons by country, in ascending order. These are people, some of whom may have legal refugee status, who have been displaced within their own country due to armed conflict, situations of generalized violence or violations of human rights.
VI. i will hold you
i would hold you
i would hold you
ever ever will i hold you
ever ever will i enfold you
in medio
in medio manuum tuarum
(in the midst of your hands)